Outside The Bachs: SOLO

Now includes your studio website!


Temporarily closing because we're making updates and we want musicians to have the best possible service.

Outside The Bachs: Solo provides a solid foundation for musicians in the early stages of studio development, and more established studios looking to refine their structure. Solo is the best fit for those who enjoy a self-directed pace with their growth.

NEW Studio marketing website: Squarespace template, design, SEO and ongoing support
(does not include domain or hosting fees)

Meetups Hosted by Outside The Bachs Certified Coaches (who also run full studios)

Community Forum

Group Challenges

Video Training

The NEW studio marketing website program supports private music studios that are enrolled in Outside The Bachs: Solo or Scale. This is a good fit for studios that are looking for a design that will showcase their professionalism. It’s also for those that are publishing a website for the first time.

What is Squarespace?
Squarespace is a website design platform that well with private music studio businesses because it is easy to use and supports technology that you can continue to leverage as your business grows. Outside The Bachs is a member of the Squarespace partner program to directly support you before, during and after the design process.

If I already have a website, why should I switch?
If you have a website, you are under no obligation to switch to Squarespace or use Outside The Bachs templates. For studios who want more hands-on website design support from our team, this is an opportunity to refresh your site, improve student lead conversion, or even add the ability to sell music-related products on your website.

Will my website be custom?
Outside The Bachs provides members with website template options. Templates have been tested and proven, and include everything needed to effectively market your music education business through a website. Custom design is not included in this program, but you can customize a template to fit your studio’s brand and style! Potential customizations include color scheme, images, and all text around studio information. Templates are available that include integrations with MyMusicStaff, Duet Partner, Calendly & more. You can make additional changes to templates, but custom design work will not be completed on your behalf.

What is the design process take and how long does it take?
Once your required website information like photos & text is compiled, we will assist you in uploading all information into the template you select. Most studios have their websites live within 2 weeks, but timeline will vary based on the information provided, studio owner response time, and demand for our team.

What type of support is offered to me?
We will guide you through the template setup process, the design, adding content, connecting a domain and going live - everything you need to publish a website, without learning web design or how to code. You can make as many changes to your website as you would like and, if you need help making updates or edits, you can receive email support
at any time during your program.

Your access to support is ongoing as long as you are actively enrolled member of Outside The Bachs. You will have access to your website ongoing, forever, as long as you are maintaining your Squarespace and domain subscriptions.

How much does it cost?
You will need to subscribe to a Squarespace plan for your site to be published online and hosted. The majority of studios select the “business” plan, but this can depend on the amount of integrations you decide to use, among other factors. You will also need a domain (.com or .net or .org, etc) through Squarespace or any domain provider of your choice. emplates and web design support are included in your Outside The Bachs enrollment. Any resources and support from our team is included in your program membership at no additional cost.‍

Most musicians approach starting to teach private lessons through trial and error. They try to figure out everything needed to have a successful, full-time studio, all by themselves.

We approach starting up private music studios like practicing for a recital - when you follow the steps and use the right techniques, you feel a lot more prepared.

When it comes to landing those first private students, a lot of music studio owners are being pulled into a thousand different directions and they wonder if they should be blogging, creating a brand new website, sending spammy DMs or running paid ads online.

Teaching music lessons doesn't have to just be about:

  • Struggling to collect tuition

  • Waiting for a reply from past band directors from high school

  • Social media posts resulting in no new student signups

  • Being scared to answer complicated emails from the parents of a student

This feeling of uncertainty is so common for musician because the vast majority of us didn't learn the business of private lessons in school.

We've already done the work when we re-started a private lesson studio from scratch in 2019. Our roster went from 0 students to 43 students in 2.5 months. When friends and colleagues started asking for help with their studio enrollment in the middle of a pandemic economy, the Outside The Bachs system was born.

Now it has been applied to 300+ private studios of various instruments and geographic locations. Instead of spending a massive budget and countless hours on figuring out what works and what doesn't, you can simply plug into our program and start attracting new students to your studio.

These are the three pillars of what we provide for private music teachers that are looking to start, grow or scale their business. "Copy and paste" the student acquisition formula that full-time private music studios use to grow their businesses.

Many musicians are multi-passionate and want to be auditioning, performing, taking gigs, recording or teaching - imagine having a private studio full of ideal students that you can lean on financially while you explore all of the *creative passion things*.

Whether you are a multi-teacher studio looking for on-site support with our "Suite" program, a self-paced studio owner fit for our "Solo" program, or a private studio looking to "Scale" with our flagship program, there is a program for you regardless of where you are at with your music lesson studio. Starting a private music lesson business can be overwhelming for many musicians. With the Outside The Bachs system, we take the guesswork out of marketing and enrollment, with a proven formula that has helped 300+ private studios attract more students.

Get more private lesson music students without:

running paid ads

taking a course on your own

a ton of trial & error

Grow a full-time private music studio by thinking Outside the Bachs with:

custom advice & coaching

networking & community

application of a proven system

Build at your own pace:

Solo: self-paced

Scale: accountabilty & intensive

Suite: custom on-site support

A private music lesson business isn't just about making money, it's about having the financial freedom to explore your creative passions. We believe that it's possible to have a thriving music studio and still have time to pursue other interests. Our system allows teachers to lean on their studio financially, giving them the time and space to pursue other passions.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to grow your private music lesson business, Outside The Bachs has the system to help. With our proven formula for attracting students, developing profitable lesson packages, and simplifying enrollment, you can feel confident in growing your music studio to its full potential.

Why spend a ton of money, time and energy testing things that might work, when you can "copy & paste" what has worked for 300+ private studio startups?

Get support and get clarity on ALL of your studio questions.
Post your update and get feedback from the community.
Bring your concerns to a live video call meetup.

You will master by the end of this program:

Profitable Lesson Package
Tuition & Rates
Identifying Ideal Student
In-Person/Virtual Models

Predictable Source of Students
Marketing Set Up
Organic Outreach
Social Media Overview

Repeatable Enrollment Process
Policies & Contracts
Trial Lessons & Consultations
Long-Term Enrollment/Retention

Business Administration & Mindset
Goal Setting & Creating Success
Tools For Efficiency & Automation
Billing & Payment

Outside The Bachs will transform your private music studio, regardless of where you are at in your progress.
It's only open for enrollment until November 30!

If you told me last February that in just over a year I’d have my own private studio, an in person teaching space for my business, AND a new car that I paid for all by myself I wouldn’t have believed you. BUT HERE I AM!! Thank you to all of you and especially Kelly Riordan for this incredible journey and for all your support. I’m so excited to continue growing, and it’s still insane to think about how this group helped me start up my studio from 0 to 27+ students.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

This figure [7k/mo] was something I never thought I would hit. I now have 15 people on the waitlist. I lost 3 students late last month, I had 4 new inquiries come in. I learned how to talk to people who won't pay my rate. I don't fret if I lose someone because I now know what I need to do. I am still pinching myself daily that this is what I can bring in.


I am so excited to be having my dream come true! Being able to have international reach, to guide and mentor those who were meant to let their musical voice shine and have a story to tell. This week I have 3 new students signed up - from Washington, Chicago and North Carolina, and one from New Zealand. Three adults! Plus a 10 year old girl. Thank you Kelly Riordan for your guidance, I'm so over the moon! Plus learning new things all the time.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

This Friday I am taking off a full week thanks to the flat rate program I implemented from this program! It's the first of many weeks off and I am so thankful to be able to rest and recharge. It's so nice to have these in place. I never was able to take time off before. Also, after a slow month of consultations I got two sign ups this past week! Thanks Kelly Riordan and everyone in this community for your support!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

It’s been quite the hectic process moving out-of-state. I had a few private students drop since I was moving, so I was left with 3 online students after arriving in Texas. With the help of this program I’ve doubled my student roster from 3 to 6, and more-than-doubled my income in less than 2 weeks! Starting small but feeling very motivated! Thanks for all you do Kelly Riordan!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Just accepted my first new student at my new, higher rate and they were very enthusiastic--and they signed on for an hour-long lesson instead of the 45-minute lesson that I had anticipated! So excited!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Still shook from doing my finances this coming month - $6,000 and 18 active students. I turned off all alerts on my devices this week, wow, what a difference. I have never felt so true to my purpose in life as I do each day now. If I can crawl out of $20,000 in debt doing what I love & now SAVING???!!!! you can too. Work the Kelly program, it works if you work it. So work it, YOU'RE WORTH IT!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

I have LOTS of wins to post! I made my largest ever instrument sale last week! Which has resulted in another instrument on consignment to sell! I’m fully booked for my preschool lesson slots at this point. I’ve interviewed another teacher, and if all goes well I will hire her and already have 2 trials booked for her. I LOVE how my business is growing right now and I’m so happy with the way my work flow looks! Thank you Kelly!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Hi everyone! I would like to say a big thanks to Kelly Riordan for your precious time and valuable suggestions. Since we started this program together a month ago, I have 3 new students registered, 4 pending students, I also got a school reply today. Looking forward to more big moves in the future!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

I have 7 trial lessons scheduled from now until next Thursday. And still getting emails and FB messages coming in. I'm already making in 3 days per week what I used to make hustling in my 5 day public school job. During that time in my life I still had side gigs and side hustles and other jobs to pay the bills. Grateful to be here. Self-investment is the best thing you can do!!!!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Yesterday I received a website contact form submission from a potential adult student in my area that found me solely just by her doing research looking for teachers in her area. This is the first lead like this I have received! We are setting up a consultation for next week.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Had a new student sign up for lessons today, and the parents chose to prepay for six months of lessons with no qualms about my new summer lesson policy (I've been rehearsing the conversation about summer tuition not being adjusted for absences).

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Just had my first two consults and both students are signing up on a monthly flat rate! I'm so excited. One is a young student and the other is a professional actor who found me on Instagram. Thank you Kelly for providing such valuable information and for everyone in the group for creating such a supportive community.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Just got off the phone with someone who had reached out via my Facebook Page and I will be teaching her daughter piano starting next month! I will be doing a trial period for a Mom of 3 for piano lessons as well. I may be overwhelmed a bit, but I am thankful for this group so much!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

I just had my first sign up at the price I wanted to charge when I first started with you when you said, 'in an ideal world, what would you charge?' The sky is the limit. Feeling like a boss today. Thank you! — feeling positive.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

I was so nervous to approach band directors for money but this is my second yes today! Still some things to work out - but they are willing. Be brave and make the asks. Friends!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Because of the additional income Kelly has helped me create, I got my car inspected today, new brakes, oil change and didn't have to worry about where the money was coming from! What a great feeling!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Gave my first consultation on Friday to a local family that contacted me through my website. I booked them for hour lessons at my new rate! It was a fun consultation too!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Hi all! I just wanted to share some wins I've had thus far. Since starting 3 weeks ago I've gained two students, with two more prospective students in the works, had one school visit (virtually) and have two more virtual school visits planned!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say to Kelly Riordan thank you for the past 4 weeks. Ever since i started with her, I have onboarded 5 new students. Ive had at least 4 new inquiries over the weekend. Already started the schedule sending today morning! Cannot wait to kick start this and build my independence!

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

I just wanted to send you a quick message of gratitude. Today I met my goal of $5k/month (after processing fees!), and I just can't even believe it! I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again for all your help, guidance, and support.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022

I just wanted to send you a quick message of gratitude. Today I met my goal of $5k/month (after processing fees!), and I just can't even believe it! I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again for all your help, guidance, and support.

Company name
Dec 16, 2022
How Samantha built a full-time private flute studio while completing her Master’s program.
How Chaz added 14 new clarinet students in the past 5 months.
How Nicky restructured her private voice studio to create a flexible schedule with stable revenue.
How Alek left his school teaching and grew his studio from 0 to $4100/mo in 90 days.
How Karyn tripled her studio revenue and enrollment in 6 months.
How Hannah created predictability in her marketing to 3x her lesson studio.
How Ashley created a predictable income to 3x her business revenue in three months.
How Kristi built referral partnerships that tripled her studio enrollment in only 5 weeks.
How Becky doubled her studio revenue in 3 months to become fully self-employed.
How Homero built his international online studio to create a more sustainable schedule.
How Shaun doubled his studio enrollment and tripled his income in 2.5 months.
How Kim built a studio from scratch to $3.5k in monthly revenue in just 5 months.
How Miriam established confidence and collected $7k of new revenue in 90 days.
How Max was able to leave three jobs and create a full-time studio in 6 months.
How Mandy added 17 summer lesson students in 7 weeks.
How Megan created $30k of teaching revenue in 6 months.
How Tina grew her private studio to replace her income from her teaching job in just 6 weeks.
How Dan created 5 referral partnerships to grow his private studio in just 6 weeks.

Solo: for individual private lesson teachers

Outside The Bachs: Solo provides a solid foundation for musicians in the early stages of studio development, and more established studios looking to refine their structure. Solo is the best fit for those who enjoy a self-directed pace with their growth.

Meetups Hosted by Outside The Bachs Certified Coaches (who also run full studios)

Community Forum

Group Challenges

Video Training

Everything in Solo has been previously sold at $3500 (but we are making it more accessible)

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